Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Around here lately...

It's May, you've turned five and summer is only two weeks away. I can't wait to spend my days with you soaking up sun, getting ready for baby Andrew, and playing fun things with you! Here's what you've been up to lately that Dad and I don't want to forget:

1. Saying "at" when you mean "that." It's precious and makes us so happy. You are very detailed in your storied and explanations, so end up using "at" quite a bit.

2. Learning to read. While you've been sounding out words well for quite some time, you read your first book from cover to cover without assistance the other night. At Kindergarten orientation, you got to pick a book to take home and practice with over the summer. You read it all by yourself on the first try as soon as we got home that night. We are so proud of how much you love reading and doing math and other school work. We pray your love of learning sticks around forever! I didn't get the first reading on film, but you read it again for me the next morning in the day care parking lot. I only got a part before my phone ran out of memory, but it still give the idea of how great you're doing with reading!

3. Graduating from preschool/daycare! On May 25, you graduated from day care. Here you are at your precious ceremony. You have been given a great start by the teachers are your schools (Kids R Kids in Georgia and Creative Beginnings in Irmo). We are especially thankful for the Biblical foundations you have been given at Creative Beginnings from Ms. Virginia! While part of us is sad to see you moving on, we are also proud and excited and can't wait to see all of the great things you accomplish! We love you!

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