Saturday, September 29, 2012

4 months and lots of changes...

We can't believe you are already four months old (actually closer to five since I'm late posting this). Your four month appointment was on 9/19 and you were a champ for everything (except the shots). You were laughing and smiling and talking to Dr. Dewling, but then you screamed when the nurse gave you your shots. Poor thing, you had a tough time this round. We kept you out of daycare the next day as you had a fever that just wouldn't break and you looked so pitiful. Normally when you're sick, you're still a smiley and happy baby, but not this time! You wanted to be held close all day, so we enjoyed the snuggle time with you!!

At four months, you love to play with your ball from Uncle Rob!

This month you started eating rice cereal.  You didn't love it at first, but have gotten really good at eating from a spoon and now eat it at daycare in the morning and with us at night.  We're excited to start some other veggies with you this weekend. We'll see how that goes...
First time eating rice cereal! 

This month you also started "sitting up." We won't give you full credit yet, as you can't sit up for long periods of time, but your back is strong and you will sit up for stretches of 20-30 seconds on your own and bend to play with toys and come back up on your own. We can't believe how strong you are!!!

Four Month Stats:

weight: 15 lbs 8 oz
height: 25.5 in
head circumference: 16.6 in
likes: bouncing, baths, playing with balls and toys on your own/ using your hands, trying to sit up and pull up
dislikes: sleeping during the daytime, being reclined (put into a sleeping position), basically sleeping anywhere other than someone's arms, tummy time

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