Winter catch up:
You had the flu twice this
Winter (both strands A and B). You were such a trooper and we made it as
fun as possible. To try to keep the rest of us healthy (we were
successful) we quarantined you to your bedroom. We had fun playing hotel
room service and pretending your room was your own private pirate ship.
You got a bit stir crazy as the days went on, but it really wasn't too
bad. Both cases were mild, thank goodness, and you were up and at 'em in
just a few short days.
Family Reunion:
some reason, you have family reunions and funerals mixed up in your
head. This is a video you insisted on making after we discussed the
passing of Billy Graham. I pray your sweet heart stays focused on God's
love and helping others for your entire lifetime. You have a true
servant's heart!