Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Thank you for being you!

Dearest Madison,

We recently lost one class act when my grandmother "Mama" passed away. You have been such a joy through this situation to everyone who is mourning, but especially to my mom, your Grandmommy. It brings me such joy to see her a bit happier from seeing you smile, you holding her hand or hugging and kissing her, or just saying something cute and silly to make her laugh instead of cry. Thank you for that! I pray that you always take joy in making others happy.  I also pray that you inherit Mama's love of reading, her love of nature, her peaceful demeanor, classic taste, and strong mind. This is one of my favorite photos that I will cherish always and hope you will too:

photo and video dump- your personality lately

I've been terrible about posting lately, but there are so many things we want to remember about your personality at this age (almost two). Here are the photos and videos from my phone lately to play catch up: