Well, we survived Snowpocalypse 2014! We thought you might look back on this story and chuckle (especially if you end up living somewhere that gets snow more than once every few years). Snow was predicted this past Tuesday and the city of Atlanta decided it wasn't that big of a deal. So, imagine everyone's surprise when it started snowing pretty hard and actually sticking mid-morning on Tuesday. Still, everyone waited thinking it wouldn't be that bad. And then all at once the entire city (including the major school districts and most businesses) decided that it was urgent to get home immediately. Therefore, 5 million people hit the roads at the same time. I left at 1:45 since daycare was trying to close early and dad left shortly thereafter. By 5:30 we still hadn't reached you. Thankfully, our friend from church had abandoned her car and walked to daycare to pick up her kids and called to say she would get you as well. They started walking towards their house and I finally made it to their house and started walking to meet you guys. We walked home (still snowing by the way) and then Dad had run to meet us, but we ended up able to bypass the bad traffic and make it home the back way. We were so stressed and upset, but quickly realized how lucky we were since some people were still stuck in their cars on the freeways the next day!!!