Monday, May 21, 2012

Your Arrival!

Hi precious girl,

You enriched our lives so much when you arrived on Friday May 4, 2012 at 8:47 pm. You weighed 7 lbs., 7 oz. and were 21 inches long. We fell in love with you right away.  I enjoyed speaking with my mother (Grandmommy) and mother-in-law (Grammy Bec) about their experiences when I was getting close to delivery, so thought you might like a brief run-down of your birth. Here goes:

4/17: left work early with strong contractions that were very close together. They lasted into the night, but then stopped. Thus began a very long period of regular contractions that were not the real thing.
4/18: we were checked into the hospital for observation as you weren't moving like you should be. After a long day of watching and waiting and another ultrasound, you were declared perfectly healthy and we went home to wait.
4/23: we had a doctor's appointment and I was one centimeter only.
4/30: we had another doctor's appointment and I was still only one centimeter. We scheduled induction for the night of May 3rd with the hopes of delivery on May 4th.
5/3 and 5/4: we checked into the hospital at 7:30pm and got cervadil. We slept through the night and at 7:00 am pitocin was started. My water broke on its own at about 8:15 and contractions started very strong and very close together. I got an epidural at noon which slowed down the contractions. We labored all day, but by 4:00 pm I was still only 5 centimeters. Dr. Godwin was not too optimistic about my progress, but she came back an hour or so later, and I was fully dilated and ready to push. I started to push at 6:30 with not so much progress. At about 8: 20, Dr. Godwin declared we'd only be given about 20 minutes more and we'd have to go to a c-section to make things safest for you.  Your daddy really stepped up as the hero of the day then and motivated me to keep going and let you be born naturally, healthily, and quickly! At 8:47 you arrived and our lives have never been the same. We love you so much and can't wait for all the joy to come in the years ahead.

5/5 and 5/6: You have so many people who love you and stopped by to see you.  Over these days, you met: Grammy Bec and Tom, Uncle Mitch and Aunt Stacey, Grandmommy and Grandaddy, Mama, Uncle Jon and Aunt Mandy, Uncle Rob, and you got a peek at cousin Brooks (he wasn't allowed in the room).

Grandmommy and Grandaddy
Mama and Grandmommy

Grammy Bec
Aunt Stacey
Uncle Mitch
Uncle Rob
5/6: we were able to bring you home from the hospital today (well, tonight). Because I had a fever during delivery, you had to have blood work done at 24 and 48 hours of life. Since you were born at night, we had to wait until night for your 48 hour test and then got to leave at 11 pm.  Grandmommy and Grandaddy were waiting on you at your new house and welcomed you home with a yard sign, all the flowers and balloons people had delivered to the hospital, and most importantly lots of help!!! You wore home the same dress that I wore home 31 years ago to the week.

Heading home!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Dear Madison,

As your arrival gets closer and closer, we wanted to document your growth inside of my belly. Here are some pictures at various stages for you to see:
24 weeks

27 weeks
29 weeks
31 weeks

34 weeks

39 weeks

40 weels